FIR Filter Design
IIR Filter Design
FIR Window Method
Filter Types:
- Low Pass
- High Pass
- Band Pass
- High Pass
- Rectangular
- Triangular
- Hamming
- Generalized Hamming
- Hanning
- Chebyshev
- Kaiser
- Parszen
- Frequency Response
- Impulse Response
- Phase Response
- Group Delay
The structures can be used as parameters to Capsim FIR filter blocks to simulate the filter using various excitations or directly in communications and signal processing systems.
Capsim uses the Parks-McClellan Algorithm for FIR CAD. See PDF Overview and screen shot.
IIR Filter Design
Filter Types:
- Low Pass
- High Pass
- Band Pass
- High Pass
- Butterworth
- Chebychev
- Elliptic
- Frequency Response
- Impulse Response
- Group Delay
- Pole-Zero Plot ( Also tied to Pole-Zero CAD Tool)
- Cascade
- Direct Form
- Normalized Lattice
The structures can be used as parameters to Capsim IIR filter blocks to simulate the filter using various excitations or directly in communications and signal processing systems.
Pole-Zero Interactive Filter Design
The pole-zero design and simulation system provides for interactive design and simulation of IIR filters. Users can place poles or zeroes and calculate the frequency and impulse response along with group delay and phase response. Users can move poles or zeroes and immediately see the effect on the frequency (magnitude and group delay) or impulse response. Poles or zeroes can be added or deleted. The pole-zero design and simulation system can also be used to modify IIR filers designed by the IIR Filter design system in Capsim. Click on the screen shot below. Also see this screen shot.